Sunday, January 27, 2019

*Nightmarish Updates*- 2019

What can I say? I've been slacking with my blogs. I finally took a siesta regarding my latest book, "Karma" and am getting back to writing about things that I really enjoy: like my hobbies :-)

I watched the movie, "Beyond the Gates" which was a film that came out in 2016 starring: Barbara Crampton, Brea Grant, Chase Williamson, and Graham Skipper.

**Press play...and pray!**
Poster for the film

I still need to write up a review, but because I watched it over a year ago, I need to revisit and watch it again in order to give a fair write up on it. I remember liking the movie, and wishing that they could have expanded more regarding the gate and being thrown into another realm. I do, however, understand that due to budget constraints, they most likely simply didn't have the funds for more special FX, etc.

Screencap from the film
The host of the game, Evelyn

In other news, the creators of the "Nightmare" board game series, "A Couple of Cowboys" out of Australia, have announced that along with a company called Hijink Toys, will be re-launching the game, "Atmosfear" which over here in the USA, was called, "Nightmare" but the same game and player pieces, etc.


I am super excited about this news and will keep my blog updated when I learn more about a relaunch!!!

In the meantime, I am on the website called "Board Game Geek dot com"
Check out the's chock-full of board games, RPG games, and so much more. 
My "badge" of board games!

Stay creepy everyone!